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BOSTON, Mass. — Dave Parilla and Sam Packard recently completed a series of meetings with state officials from Probation Services,Department of Correction, and Parole Board aimed at expanding the use of the Coming Home Directory by:

  • Introducing the Coming Home Directory to a wider audience;
  • Identifying possible service gap areas to improve the Coming Home Directory; and
  • Strengthening the collaborative relationship between all four parties.

The Coming Home Directory is a published and online compilation of services available to ex-offenders returning to or living in communities in Greater Boston. The Directory presents important information for ex-offenders, corrections practitioners and policymakers, as well as those with an interest in accessing services for ex-offenders, including their families and friends, volunteers and other service providers. CJI is responsible for the content management and publishing of the Coming Home Reentry Resource Directory. The Coming Home Directory is generously funded by the Gardiner Howland Shaw Foundation.

The recent meetings with corrections stakeholders produced several ideas to strengthen the Directory, including finding additional agencies and programs for child support, social security assistance, and naloxone assistance and education. Additionally, staff discussed forming an inter-agency communication network to facilitate the exchange of real-time reentry information and data. The Coming Home Directory was widely cited as a great resource for the City of Boston by the state officials and will continue to be used throughout the state.